Meet Some Of Our Friends. They're Generally Awesome.
Below is a carefully curated selection of links to cigar businesses that we like. Nobody will ever buy their way onto this list. Everybody below got here by being good people we happen to know who make or sell excellent products we happen to like a whole lot. If you check out their stuff and agree, please tell them we sent you.
Our lawyer says we have to tell you that the vendors and websites listed are provided solely for information purposes and are not necessarily endorsed by us. does not operate or control the products or services offered by these merchants. You agree that use of or purchase from such merchants is AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND IS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND BY US, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE WE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN YOU AND MERCHANTS OR FOR ANY INFORMATION APPEARING ON MERCHANT SITES OR ANY OTHER SITE LINKED TO OUR SITE. We are not responsible for information provided by you to Merchants. But you're a grownup so you already know that.